Some people in the news have said that Barack Obama may suffer from the Bradley effect, and that he needs a 8-10% lead in the polls to be elected because of the reluctance of some voters to vote for a black man. The Bradley effect was named after Tom Bradley, the long time black mayor of Los Angeles, CA who ran for governor in 1982 against George Deukmejian who was white. In spite of being consistently ahead in the polls, Bradley lost the election. The common explanation for this loss was that many whites would not vote for a black, but neither would they admit the same for fear of being labeled prejudiced.
Race relations have come a long way since 1982. America is ready for a black president when a black candidate is found that is worthy of the office. Barack Obama has already benefited from the reverse of the Bradley effect, in that much of his popularity comes from being black. Barack will have almost total support amongst blacks. Nothing wrong with that. But there is also a feeling of guilt amongst the great majority of whites who are not prejudiced against blacks, and thus we would love to see a black win the presidency. It would show the world that America is finally color blind. Unfortunately, this attitude could lead to electing a very unqualified black to the presidency.
Fifty years ago a person with as little experience as Barack Obama would never have been selected as a candidate no matter what his color or party. With both a Muslim father and step father he would also have been looked upon with suspicion while we are at war with a Muslim faction. But now politically correctness has taken the place of common sense, dictating that we must never "profile" no matter what the risk. Do we really know Barack's true attitude toward the Muslims? He says all the right words but he is a politician, a group noted for telling people what they want to hear in order to get elected. What damage could a Muslim sympathizer do in the White House? I would not like to find out.
Barack Obama may be immenently qualified to be president, but with his record of accomplishments doesn't illustrate it. He may have a proper attitude toward radical Muslims and their despicable plan to force Sharia law upon the whole world through terror, but how can we know? As a man I will give him the benefit of doubt, but as a possible president I will not!
Vernon Sandel
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