Saturday, November 7, 2009

The death of Common Sense

To the editor of the Daily Mining Gazette:

Political correctness has caused the total eradication of common sense. Airline safety personnel must treat little old ladies and Middle Eastern young men wearing Muslim garb with the same suspicion (no profiling). Also, public officials praise Islam as a “peaceful religion in spite of the fact that Muslims are performing a large majority of the terrorist acts in the world. After the 9/11/01 some public schools even taught about Islam and had children reciting Islamic prayers to prevent a backlash of sentiment against Muslims. It is interesting that the government and news media have been unable to determine whether the actions of Mag. Nidal Malid Hassan, who killed thirteen and wounded some thirty others of his associates at Fort Hood were a terrorist act. You would think that his opposition to the “war on terror” which he considered a war on Islam, and his reported statements that homicidal bombers were the equivalent of “heroes” would shed some light on the subject. But nobody can conclude whether or not his Muslim religion had anything to do with his actions.

The murders were a deliberate action. He prepared for the action by giving away his furniture, frozen food, and saying goodbye to his friends. He knew he would not be coming back. He donned Muslim garb for a trip to a convenience store which advertised his Muslim faith. Then, back in his uniform to thwart suspicion, he enters a building where three hundred soldiers are awaiting pre-deployment shots and eye tests, shouts in Arabic, “Allah is great!” and starts firing. It is strange that the investigators and the government cannot determine whether Hasan’s religion had anything to do with his actions, but if a gay is mugged, the government knows immediately that the mugger is a “homophobe” that hates gays. I rest my case, common sense is dead.

Vernon Sandel
P.O. Box 467
Dollar Bay, MI 49922

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